Hasted Kraeutler

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Erwin Olaf – Karussell

25 October 2014 – 1 February 2015

The comprehensive, large-scale exhibition of Erwin Olaf, Dutch photo artist and experimental film-maker can be seen for the first time in Hungary in MODEM. The centre will introduce a representative photo and video selection from the artist whose works were represented in several exhibitions and who is also known as the designer of the Dutch Euro coin.

Olaf’s works with their perfect compositions, scenic and striking design vividly capture the essence of our everyday life. His unconventional style never fails to deliver dramatic visual and emotional impact. Most of his images are made in his large studio in Amsterdam, assisted by a host of decorators, make-up artists and hair stylists. The set up interiors present a slice of the real world. Olaf prefers his own dream-world to the real one; he translates the happenings of the external world and the taboos of society to his unique visual language. His photos implicitly visualises the unspoken, the overlooked, that typically resists easy documentation. At the first glance, Olaf seems to act more like a stage director than a photographer, every image is as carefully blocked as a film sequence.