by Alison Martin
This week in Chelsea, the Hasted Kraeutler Gallery presents a series of photographs of the solar system. The photographs were taken by photographer Michael Benson and consist of 11 different chromogenic print images completed in a panorama style. The images in the exhibition include The Ultraviolet Sun, TRACE, July violet 30, 1999 (2010 digital print), Night Side of Saturn, Cassini, October 28, 2006 (2011 digital print), Volcanic lo with Two Eruptions Visible, Galileo, July 3, 1999 (2010 digital print), and Crescent Earth Rosetta, November 13, 2009 (2010 digital print). Benson created his pieces by collecting items from digital data sets and embedding them into photographs. Michael Benson is a German born photographer who studied at SUNY Albany and NYU Graduate Film School and now resides in New York City. About his works Benson has said, “I have all these moments after doing a bunch of work when I realize, ‘My God, I’m the first human being to ever see this.” At the Hasted Kraeutler Gallery (537 W. 24 St.)
Through March 26.