Aggregation 12-AP018, 2012
Mixed media with Korean mulberry paper
69 1/4 x 57 1/8 inches
Hasted Kraeutler is pleased to announce the exclusive U.S. representation, and our inaugural exhibition of sculptural works by Korean artist, Kwang Young Chun, beginning September 6 and running through October 20, 2012.
Kwang Young Chun is famous for his process of composing structures with thousands of small triangles, each individually hand molded in paper into breathtaking sculptures and installations. The artist gathers mulberry paper from old books of important Korean texts and dyes the papers into many different shades with teas and flowers. The small, minimalist pieces of mulberry paper are attached one by one to a two dimensional surface, or built into free standing sculptures.
There is no end to making sense of works as brilliant as these.
- Author, Carter Ratcliff.
Kwang Young Chun is currently exhibiting with Anselm Kiefer at the Kunstwerk museum in Eberdingen-Nussdorf, Germany in an exhibition titled Surface: The Poetry of Materials, closing September 16. The exhibition focuses on how the artists deal with materials in art. Kwang Young Chun is showing 13 artworks from the Aggregation series.
Born in 1944 in Hongchun, Korea, Kwang Young Chun has exhibited widely in Korea and internationally since 1966. His works have been acquired by, and are included in esteemed public collections, such as the Rockfeller Foundation in New York, Woodrow Wilson International Center in Washington D.C., United Nations headquarters in New York, National Museum of Contemporary Art in Seoul, Philadelphia Society Building, Seoul Museum of Art, National Gallery of Australia at Canberra, Fidelity Investments Boston, and Rosewood Stone Group in Mill Valley, CA, among many others.
For press inquiries or for further information, please contact Hasted Kraeutler at 212-627-0006 or email